York Regional Police is proud to announce the launch of the newly developed, updated School-Police Protocol, in partnership with York Region school boards.

Chief Jim MacSween, York Region District School Board Director Bill Cober, York Catholic District School Board Director John De Faveri and Superintendent Marie-France Crête, of the Conseil Scolaire Catholique Mon-Avenir, signed the new protocol at a press conference held earlier today at the Community Safety Village. The Solicitor General of Ontario, Michael Kerzner, also attended.

The protocol outlines the ongoing commitment and roles and responsibilities around the safety of youth and is based on a mandated provincial template that provides for a safe, inclusive, equitable school environment that supports learning and behaviour development, including respect, responsibility and civility.

In 2021, in collaboration with community partners, the school boards and YRP decided to reassess the presentation content and the impact of the partnership on students. After ongoing consultation and engagement with all community stakeholders, and taking into consideration the perspectives of all community members, we jointly decided to launch the new protocol and presentation content during the 2024/2025 school year.

Presentation content will be focused on age-appropriate personal and community safety information. YRP will deliver these presentations upon request, at the discretion of school administrators.   

Presentation topics include road, pedestrian and bike safety for elementary students, while secondary students will be informed about the dangers of excessive speed, impaired, distracted, stunt and dangerous driving, to promote student-led discussions that will facilitate learning about the negative outcomes of these behaviours. Secondary students will also be informed about pathways to a career in policing and the many career opportunities that exist for police officers, civilian police professionals and volunteers.

“We are confident the new protocol achieves the goal of informing our students on how they can keep themselves safe and help to ensure overall community safety,” said Chief Jim MacSween. “We continue to be grateful for the strong and collaborative partnership we share with our boards and how we are working together to keep York Region among the safest communities in Canada.”

“We greatly value the relationship we have with York Regional Police, and with our coterminous board, York Catholic. These partnerships will help us to ensure that the safety and well-being of students, families, and our communities can be addressed with confidence and clarity,” said Bill Cober, Director, YRDSB. “We are so thankful to have strong relationships with YRP and YCDSB and look forward to our continued collaboration in support of our students and their families.” 

“As a Catholic learning community, the York Catholic District School Board affirms that every person is a cherished child of God, deserving of safety, dignity and respect in our schools. We are pleased to collaborate with the York Region District School Board and York Regional Police on this updated joint police protocol that prioritizes trauma-informed, anti-oppressive and anti-racist approaches to community safety,” said John De Faveri, Interim Director of Education, York Catholic District School Board.

For more information, contact the Media Relations Unit at 1-866-876-5423, ext. 2664 or [email protected].

Prepared by: Constable Lisa Moskaluk

                      September 19, 2024


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