Art In Stories & Pictures Winter Art Class - Starts January 13th

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Art in Stories and Pictures Winter Session

This class is based on the whimsical nature of children’s picture books, integrated with a variety of mixed media art. The stories and illustrations of Eric Carle (The Very Hungry Caterpillar) and Peter Reynolds (The Dot) will be used as students’ inspiration to learn about colours, shapes, and lines. Students will work with a variety of mediums and materials such as acrylic paint, watercolour, pastels, ink, and charcoal in order to create their own stories and accompanying illustrations. The class includes trips to the Centre’s onsite galleries to learn through interacting with the artwork in the current exhibitions. The session will end with an art show where students are invited to share their creativity and pieces with their families.

Visual arts classes with artist/instructor Lindsay Soloway (B.F.A., M.Ed.)

Ages 7 – 10


Saturdays from 11:15 am – 1:15 pm (January 13th – March 10th)

Class skips February 17


8 weeks $185.00  - All materials provided.

To register:

Call: 905 713-1818

Or visit the Centre at 22 Church Street, Aurora, ON

Location Information:

Aurora Cultural Centre

22 Church Street

Aurora, Ontario
L4G 1G4

Accessible building: elevator entrance at the north glass doors.

For more information visit the York Scene website at:

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